The Xerces Society Presents:
Pollinator Conservation Short Course
Clemson University Sandhill Research and Education Center Lake House
Columbia, South Carolina
June 4, 2014
9:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT
Learn how to attract native pollinators to fields, farms, and orchards!
This course is now full. Please email shortcourses@xerces.org to be added to the waitlist.
This Pollinator Conservation Short Course is made possible with the support of the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Additional support for this training is provided by the following: Ceres Foundation, CS Fund, Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, Endangered Species Chocolate, Turner Foundation, Whole Foods Market and its vendors, and Xerces Society members.
This workshop is co-sponsored by the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District through Organic Richland, a cooperative program with the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service in South Carolina. Special thank you to South Carolina NRCS, Richland Soil and Water Conservation District, and Clemson Cooperative Extension for their tremendous support for this course and pollinators. Special thanks to Ernst Conservation Seed and Roundstone Seed for donating seeds for a pollinator planting, to Hi Cotton Greenhouses for growing out seed, and to Clemson University's Cooperative Extension for providing space to showcase pollinator plants.
Photo of great purple hairstreak on goldenrod by Dave Kastner.