Conserving Richland County’s Natural & Historic Legacy
Richland County Council created the Richland County Conservation Commission (RCCC) by ordinance in 1998. The RCCC is charged with promoting the protection of the county's natural, historical, and cultural resources and promoting nature-based recreation and eco- and heritage tourism. The commission does this by negotiating voluntary protection strategies with landowners through conservation easements and land acquisition, grant programs, and special projects. Each of the eleven members of County Council appoints a representative to the Commission. The members have backgrounds in land conservation, historic preservation, and other related fields. Members meet monthly and serve voluntarily. The Richland County Conservation Division in the Community Planning & Development Department provides staff support to the RCCC. Use the links below or to the right to learn more about our programs.
RCCC Grants
Historic Preservation Plan
The Richland County Conservation Commission announces the creation of the County's first Historic Preservation Plan.
The purpose of this project is to prepare an action-oriented, community-wide historic preservation planning document to promote and coordinate critically needed strategies for the protection, preservation, and development of the historic and cultural resources within County unincorporated areas.
To view the PowerPoint presentation from the first public meeting (11-20-2024) click here HPP meeting presentation.
A second Spring public meeting date and location is to be announced.
Those unable to attend meetings are encouraged to complete an online community survey at https://tinyurl.com/richlandpresplan.
Lower Richland Tourism Plan
Watch the video below to learn more about the Lower Richland Tourism Plan.
Quick Links
ENRICH Heritage Tourism Marketing Plan (HTMP)
Feasibility of Stream and Wetland Restoration Alternatives for Walden Pond
Richland County Green Infrastructure GIS Analysis
Conservation Land Management Manual
Conservation Easement Strategic Plan
RCCC Strategic Plan
FY24-25 Richland County Conservation Commission Grants
Commission Members
A listing of members with their contact information
Agendas and Minutes
Commission News
Recent news articles and events
FY17 Annual Report
Natural Resources
Conservation easement facts and landowner interest form; criteria and application for Natural Resources grants; trail map
Historic Preservation
Criteria and application for Historic Preservation grants; Bailey Bill information and applications; cemeteries; historical markers; and historic surveys and site inventory
Pinewood Lake Park
Pinewood Lake Park is a scenic community park encompassing the 20-acre Pinewood Lake and 24 acres of surrounding mixed pine and hardwood forests.
Links to conservation and historic organizations and agencies
Mailing Address:
2020 Hampton Street, Room 3063A
Columbia, SC 29204
Phone: 803-576-2080
Fax: 803-576-2088
Conservation Division Manager
Quinton Epps
(803) 576-2082
Conservation Program Analyst
John McKenzie
(803) 576-2083
Sustainability Planner
Land Program Planner
Administrative Assistant
Alexis Wallraf
(803) 576-2080
Administrative Assistant of Outreach and Community Engagement
Chelsea Holliday
(803) 576-2087