Meet Jessica Thompson
Richland Soil and Water Conservation District Staff
Sustainability Planner
Tell us about yourself.
I graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Public Health (go Gamecocks!). During college, I held various jobs in the service industry, retail, and a local pharmacy. After earning my undergraduate degree, I pursued a Master's in Public Health at UofSC, majoring in Health Services, Policy, and Management. While in graduate school, I worked as a Graduate Research Assistant for the Arnold Childhood Obesity Initiative before accepting my current position at Richland County.
Why did you join the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (RSWCD)?
Growing up, I was an outdoor girl, taught from a young age to love the earth and not to be afraid to get my hands dirty. As I grew older, I learned about the importance of protecting our natural resources, which are limited and need to be conserved. I plan to use my background to teach our community the importance of preserving our land, keeping our soil healthy, and our air and waterways clean. I am driven by a passion for green living and protecting our natural resources and seek to engage with my community on these fronts.
What do you enjoy about RSWCD?
The people! I am grateful to be surrounded by like-minded, kind individuals who share my passion. I love getting out into the community that raised me to hear new ideas, talk about conservation, and show people where their food comes from.
What do you wish to tell the community?
All of RSWCD’s programs and events are puzzle pieces of a bigger picture. We strive to educate others on the importance of conserving Richland County’s soil and water. It is essential to take care of our “rich land,” and I hope to continuously teach others how we can do so. My personal mission is to see the work we do at RSWCD have a direct impact on both our environment and community.
What is an interesting fact about you?
I love playing my violin-- I’ve been playing for 15 years!
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