Historic Preservation

Richland County Conservation Commission is charged with identifying and promoting the development and preservation of historical resources. The rich stories of our county’s people are best told in the places where they lived, learned, worked and worshipped. Who we are and what we value can be seen in the buildings that tell these stories.
Historic Preservation Grants
Grants are available to preserve/restore historically significant buildings and to develop educational and research programs that promote historic preservation in Richland County.
Bailey Bill
Richland County offers a special tax assessment that abates property taxes for 20 years for the restoration of historically significant buildings.
Historical Resources Guide
This in-depth report provides an inventory of available primary and secondary sources on Richland County history and includes many recommendations for further research.
Historical Markers
The Conservation Commissions funds up to five historical markers per year in Richland County.
Information on the county-wide cemetery and RCCC funded cemetery reports and research is available here.
Architectural Surveys
ENRICH Heritage Tourism Marketing Plan (HTMP)