
If you are a homeowner and need to apply for a permit, pay for a permit, schedule an inspection for a project that has been permitted, please see the steps below:
1. If you need to apply for a building permit for a specific project, you can call the office @ 803-576-2140 for assistance or send an email to devservices@richlandcountysc.gov
You can review and download permit applications that you may need by selecting Applications and Forms tab on the home page.
2. All payments in the form of check can only be accepted via mail while the County Administrative building is restricted from public use. All payments must include a permit number, address and phone number of the applicant. Please use the address listed below:
Richland County Building Inspections
2020 Hampton St., Ste. 1020
Columbia SC, 29204
3. If you have a permit and need to schedule an inspection, you can do so using the automated phone inspection line 803-728-6972. You will need to have your permit number and permit type. A list can be accessed by selecting this link: IVR INSPECTION LINK.
Again, if you need further assistance, you can contact @ 803-576-2140 or email: devservice@richlandcountysc.gov
Know Your Rights
If you are applying as an owner/builder on a residential project, you are required to apply in person, complete a Owner/Builder form, and a Statement of Disclosure and file it with the Richland County Register of Deeds Office which is located at 1701 Main Street Room 101 Columbia, SC 29201 in accordance with SC Code of Laws, Title 40, Section 40-59-260.
As a homeowner, you have the right to: (1) assure that your property is free from adverse impact resulting from negligent construction practices, (2) assure that access to and from your home is safe free from construction traffic (when possible) and (3) assurance that any environmental features in or near your neighborhood is free from adverse impact due to negligent construction practices.
A developer/contractor has the right to: (1) commence responsible construction practices as permitted by Richland County, ICC & SCDHEC, (2) take immediate corrective action towards problems that may arise during construction and (3) continue with the sale or construction of homes & development of property through safe/permitted construction access.
Please click "Request Information" to send email to Richland County Development Services.
Please click "Initiate a Complaint" to send email to Richland County Ombudsman Office.