Richland County Council

Administration and Finance Committee


Kit Smith, Chair

Joan Brady

Paul Livingston

Anthony Mizzell

James Tuten

District 5

District 8

District 4

District 11

District 2

October 26, 2004

6:00 p.m.

Richland County Council Chambers

County Administration Building

2020 Hampton Street

Call To Order

Approval of Minutes
September 28, 2004 : Regular Session Meeting (Pages 2 – 6)

Adoption of Agenda

Items for Action

•  2004 – 2005 Internal Audit Projects (Pages 7 – 9)

  1. Funding Request: American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter (Pages 10 – 19)
Items Pending Analysis
There are no items in this section.

Items for Discussion / Information
There are no items in this section.


Staffed by Roxanne Matthews




6:00 p.m.


In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, a copy of the agenda was sent to radio and TV stations, newspapers, persons requesting notification, and was posted on the bulletin board located in the lobby of the County Administration Building .





CHAIR: Kit Smith
Member: Joan Brady
Member: Paul Livingston
Member: Anthony G. Mizzell
Member: James Tuten

ALSO PRESENT : L. Gregory Pearce, Jr., Bernice G. Scott, Thelma M. Tillis, Susan Brill, Joseph McEachern, Doris M. Corley (arrived at 6:33 p.m. ), T. Cary McSwain, Michielle Cannon-Finch, Larry Smith, Amelia Linder, Tony McDonald, Milton Pope, Kendall Johnson, Roxanne Matthews, Sherry Wright-Moore, Michael Criss, Marsheika Martin

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting started at approximately 6:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes : July 27, 2004 : Regular Session Meeting – Ms. Brady moved, seconded by Mr. Livingston, to approve the minutes. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Adoption of Agenda – Ms. Brady moved, seconded by Mr. Tuten, to adopt the agenda as published. The vote in favor was unanimous.


A. Hospitality Tax Funding Request: Swamp Fest 2004

B. Hospitality Tax Funding Request: 2005 Taco Bell Track and Field Classic

Mr. Livingston moved, seconded by Mr. Tuten, to approve this item.

Ms. Smith stated Council needs to set a limit as to how much of the Hospitality Tax fund is going to be spent in order to have enough money for the Township and other capital projects.

Richland County Council

Administration and Finance Committee

September 28, 2004

Page Two

A discussion took place.

Mr. Mizzell made a substitute motion, seconded by Ms. Brady, to approve $20,000 for the Swamp Fest 2004 and set aside $36,000 from unallocated Hospitality Tax funds for future requests,

$10,000 in Hospitality Tax funds for the 2005 Taco Bell Track and Field Classic and $36,000 from unallocated Hospitality Tax funds be set aside for future requests and set up a $36,319 reserve in this account until capital projects are underway and then see what is left. The vote in favor was unanimous.

C. Planning and Development: Adoption of the 2003 Editions of the International Building Code, International Fire Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, and International Energy Conservation Code

Ms. Smith reported that staff states the amendments are required by state statute. She stated the Home Builders Associated need time to review this. She recommended holding this item in Committee for another month to give the HBA time to review it, but know that action has to be taken by January.

Mr. Livingston moved, seconded by Mr. Mizzell, to forward to full Council with the understanding that the HBA requested time to review it before Third Reading is given. The vote in favor was unanimous.

D. Interlocal Agreement for Capital Trust Agency Bond Issue

Ms. Smith informed the committee that the staff reports this is similar to a JEDA Bond but it's an agency out of the state of Florida . She stated this is required procedurally and there is no liability to Richland County . Ms. Smith states it does require a public hearing.

Mr. Mizzell moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to approve this item. The vote in favor was unanimous.

E. Sheriff's Department Budget Amendment: Petrol, Oil, and Lubricant and Administrative Services Fee

Ms. Smith states this is the oil and gasoline amendment.

Mr. Tuten moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to approve the item.

A discussion took place.

Richland County Council

Administration and Finance Committee

September 28, 2004

Page Three

The vote in favor was unanimous.

F. Sheriff's Department Budget Amendment: DNA and Firearms Lab

Ms. Smith states this is a check that's been received from the City of Columbia and it is just to put that check in the County's budget.

Mr. Livingston moved, seconded by Mr. Mizzell, to approve this item. The vote in favor was unanimous.

G. Sheriff's Department Budget Amendment: Victims Assistance Program

Ms. Smith stated the Sheriff's Department has recommended that the School Resource Officer's money that is collected from the schools be deposited to the Sheriff to be spent for Victim's Assistance in the Sheriff's Department. She states the staff's recommendation is for the money to be spread a little bit differently.

Mr. T. Cary McSwain, County Administrator , explained the different options.

Mr. Milton Pope gave a brief report on the funding.

Mr. Mizzell requested for staff to provide sheets with all of the information listing the different options and funding.

Mr. Mizzell moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to approve Scenario 2-a, taking the $741,545 and spread it to the Solicitor, Court Administration, Sheriff's Department as follows:

Solicitor - $112,188

Court Administration- $78,631

Sheriff's Department- $414,307

Detention Center- $80,490

This would leave a balance of $55,929 which would spread as follows:

Solicitor - $11,864

Court Administration- $6,779

Sheriff's Department- $30,507

Detention Center- $6,779

An additional $30,000 would be added to that to go to the Sheriff's Department.

Richland County Council

Administration and Finance Committee

September 28, 2004

Page Four

The vote in favor was unanimous.

H. Neighborhood Redevelopment Update

A discussion took place regarding this item.

Mr. Mizzell amended his map to include the Garners Ferry corridor.

Mr. Livingston recommended for each individual Council member to meet with the Community Development Office and the Planning staff to narrow everything down.

Ms. Smith recommended going out on bid, see what the response is and whatever is not spent on planning could be spent on projects.

Mr. Mizzell moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to forward this to Council with a recommendation for approval, to go out on bid without a cap but knowing how much is available and then bring it back and set priorities based on the bids and the need to have the map geographically defined so the persons responding to the RFPs will know how much work needs to be done and each Council member needs to meet with the Planning staff. The vote in favor was unanimous.


Property Acquisition: Dutch Fork Magistrate/Sheriff

Mr. Livingston moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to go into Executive Session to discuss a property acquisition. The vote in favor was unanimous.


Council went into Executive Session at approximately 6:34 p.m. and came out at approximately 6:54 p.m.


Mr. Tuten moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to come out of Executive Session. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Mr. Livingston moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to direct the Administrator to move forward with discussions with the Sheriff and Magistrate regarding the property acquisition as discussed in Executive Session. The vote in favor was unanimous.

Richland County Council

Administration and Finance Committee

September 28, 2004

Page Five


Time Warner Cable Franchise Renewal

Mr. Livingston moved, seconded by Ms. Brady, to forward to full Council for a presentation. The vote in favor was unanimous.

ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:55 p.m.

Submitted by,

Kit Smith, Chair

The minutes were transcribed by Marsheika G. Martin

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject :  2004 – 2005 Internal Audit Projects


•  Purpose

Council is requested to approve the 2004 - 2005 Internal Audit Projects.

•  Background / Discussion

The Internal Audit Committee met Wednesday October 13, 2004 for the purpose of voting on potential 2004-2005 Internal Audit Projects.

The recommendations which follow are the express recommendations of the Internal Audit Committee.

1)      Follow Up to County wide Management Study

This study would review the process toward addressing the recommendations identified in the 2001 study, identify any new opportunities for improving efficiency and effectiveness, and develop a risk assessment to serve as the base for the internal audit function.

2)      Procurement Audit

Periodic internal audits of purchasing are needed to provide oversight and ensure that fraudulent purchases are not being made. The primary benefit derived from the internal audit process is to control the potential risk. When employees realize that there is no review component, the potential for abuse increases.

3)      Audit for Internal Control for Cash Handling County wide

Cash is the highest risk area in any entity due to the potential for errors and irregularities to occur.

•  Financial Impact

The cost to provide internal audit services is budgeted in the fiscal year 2005 budget. 

•  Alternatives

•  Do not address the internal audit committee recommendations at this time.

•  Delay the start of the internal audit until after completion of the external audit scheduled for mid December fiscal year 2004.

•  Recommendation

It is recommended that Council adopt the internal audit committee's recommendations.

Recommended by: Internal Audit Committee          Department:        Date: 10 /14/04

Hammett Consulting

Follow-up Countywide Management Study

Scope of Services

Study will review the progress toward addressing the recommendations identified in the 2001 Countywide Management Study, identify any new opportunities for improving efficiency and effectiveness, and develop a risk assessment to serve as the base for the Internal Audit function. The review will consist of the following tasks:

Hammett Consulting

Task 1: Initiate Project

At the beginning of the process, Hammett Consulting (HC) will conduct a kickoff meeting with the management team of each department that is directly accountable to the County Administrator . At this initial meeting, HC will review the project scope, work plan, and schedule. Information will also be obtained regarding actions that have been taken since the Countywide Management Study to address the recommendations contained in the report. All written documentation, policies and procedures will be reviewed for each department.

Task 2: Distribute Organizational Climate Survey

A written organizational climate survey will be distributed to all employees of departments that are directly accountable to the County Administrator . HC will compile and analyze the results of the survey.

Task 3: Interview a Sample of Employees in Each Department

Input from the employees involved in daily operations is an invaluable component of a follow-up study. To ensure that this insight is gained in regard to current operations and changes made since the Countywide Management Study, HC will Interview all management staff and a random sample of line staff in each department (ranging from 50% of employees in small departments, such as Human Resources, to approximately 25% of all employees in large departments, such as the Detention Center).

Task 4: Observe Operations

HC will conduct observations in operational areas, as needed, to follow-up on issues/concerns identified through the interview process and analysis of the organizational climate surveys.

Task 5: Compile Project Information and Conduct Wrap-up Meetings

All of the information obtained from Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be compiled and analyzed. Wrap-up meetings will be conducted with each department director to obtain their input and feedback concerning operational needs and issues identified through the study process.

Task 6: Prepare Draft and Final Reports

A draft report will be prepared addressing the status of the 2001Countywide Management Study recommendations, any new opportunities for improving operational efficiency and effectiveness, and a risk assessment will be developed to serve as the base for the Richland County Internal Audit function. The draft will be presented to the Richland County Internal Audit Committee for review. After making the necessary revisions to the draft, ten copies of a final report will be prepared.

Pricing and Project Schedule

The total cost for completion of the Follow-up Countywide Management Study will be a fee of $30,000, which includes all professional services and project expenses. The project will be completed within four months of receiving notice to proceed. Assuming a November 3, 2004 start date, the project would be completed by March 1, 2005 .

Richland County Council Request of Action

Subject : Request of Funding: American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter


•  Purpose

County Council is requested to provide funding in the amount of $10,000 for 2004 – 2005 for the American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter for the purpose of providing funding to the Local Disaster Relief Program.

•  Background / Discussion

Each year the Red Cross offers assistance to hundreds of families devastated by house fires, floods, or windstorms. Many of these victims lose all of their belongings, and are left homeless.

When a family disaster occurs, American Red Cross volunteers and paid staff assist the affected families with their immediate needs, including clothing, shelter, food, and medical supplies. Families are also assisted with the emotional trauma and shock of the disaster.

The American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter is not reimbursed by the government or by insurance companies for expenses incurred during these local disasters. The services provided are at no cost to the clients, and thus the Red Cross continuously needs funding to keep their programs and services available to the community.

The American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter serves ten counties: Calhoun, Clarendon, Fairfield , Kershaw, Lee, Lexington , Newberry, Richland , Saluda, and Sumter . In Richland County alone this past fiscal year, the chapter spent $58,448.70 on 418 community members in direct financial assistance. Financial assistance includes groceries, clothing, shoes, prescription medication, temporary accommodations, comfort kits, etc.

•  Financial Impact

The American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter is requesting $10,000 for 2004 - 2005 for the purpose of providing funding to the Local Disaster Relief Program.

A funding source has not been identified.

•  Alternatives

•  Approve the request to provide funding in the amount of $10,000 for 2004 – 2005 for the American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter for the purpose of providing funding to the Local Disaster Relief Program. A funding source will need to be identified.

•  Do not approve the request to provide funding in the amount of $10,000 for 2004 – 2005 for the American Red Cross Central South Carolina Chapter for the purpose of providing funding to the Local Disaster Relief Program.

•  Recommendation

This decision is at Council's discretion.

•  Reviews


Reviewed by (Finance Director): Carrie H. Neal Date: 10/21/2004

q Recommend Council approval q Recommend Council denial

Comments regarding recommendation: Council Discretion

Reviewed by (Budget Director): Daniel Driggers Date: 10/21/04

q Recommend Council approval q Recommend Council denial

Comments regarding recommendation: The decision on funding is best left to Council Discretion. However, if funding is approved it is recommended that GF Fund Balance not be used as the funding source. There are currently three budget amendments waiting on 3rd reading that will have an estimated $677k negative impact on the GF Fund Balance.

Other options to consider include, but are not limited to:

- Identify and reallocate available funds within current GF appropriation level

- Identify available funds for appropriation from another funding source


Reviewed by: Amelia R. Linder Date: 10/21/04

q Recommend Council approval q Recommend Council denial

Comments regarding recommendation: This request is best left to Council's discretion. Council gave first reading to this item at its Regular Session Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 19.  Council forwarded this item to the A&F Committee to appear on the October 26 agenda.  This item will require two more readings and a public hearing.


Reviewed by: Tony McDonald Date: 10/21/04

q Recommend Council approval q Recommend Council denial

Comments regarding recommendation: The decision to fund this request is left to the discretion of the Council. As proposed, the funds would come from the County's undesignated, unreserved fund balance. If the Council elects to fund this request, it is recommended that the Council consider taking the funds from the Council's official expense account instead.







Pursuant to the authority granted by the Constitution and the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL FOR RICHLAND COUNTY:

SECTION I. That the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) be appropriated to the FY 2004–2005 Council Services budget. Therefore, the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 General Fund Annual Budget is hereby amended as follows:


Revenue appropriated July 1, 2004 as amended: $98,612,084

Appropriation of Undesignated, Unreserved Fund Balance: 10,000

Total General Fund Revenue As Amended: $98,622,084


Expenditures appropriated July 1, 2004 as amended: $98,612,084

Increase to Council Services Budget – Official Expense: 10,000

Total General Fund Expenditures As Amended: $98,622,084

SECTION II. Severability . If any section, subsection, or clause of this ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, and clauses shall not be affected thereby.

SECTION III. Conflicting Ordinances Repealed . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.

SECTION IV. Effective Date . This ordinance shall be enforced from and after ________, 2004.



Bernice G. Scott, Chair


OF_________________, 2004


Michielle R. Cannon-Finch

Clerk of Council



Approved As To LEGAL Form Only

No Opinion Rendered As To Content

First Reading : October 19, 2004

Second Reading : October 28, 2004 (tentative)

Public Hearing:

Third Reading :