County Administrator’s Report of Council Actions

Regular Session Meeting

March 20, 2001

6:00 p.m.


Call To Order – Kit Smith

Invocation – Jim Tuten

Presentation of Resolutions – Council Member Greg Pearce presented a Resolution of commendation to Bob Pulliam; Council Member Susan Brill presented a Resolution of commendation to Bernie McGuire.

Adoption of Agenda – Adopted with two additions to the Rules and Appointments Committee – item b, Council Rules, and item c, Appointments to the Regional Transit Authority.

Citizen’s Input – Several citizens spoke.

Approval Of Minutes

— Regular Session, March 7, 2001 – Adopted as submitted.

Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Items – No executive session items.

Report of County Administrator

  1. Detention Center Renaming Ceremony – The County Administrator commented that the ceremony was well received and thanked staff for their successful efforts.
  2. Budget Process – The County Administrator stated that 60% of Department/Agency budget requests have been reviewed and the process is moving smoothly.
  3. City-County Planning Co-Location – The County Administrator stated that the City-County Planning Committee met this week to discuss co-location. The City recognized the need for joint planning efforts and both the City and County are continuing to look at available options.
  4. Governor’s Summit on Growth – The County Administrator announced that several County Council Members and staff attended the conference held last week.
  5. Southeastern Economic Alliance – The County Administrator attended a Southeastern Economic Alliance meeting to discuss high-speed rail for the southeast region. The County will continue to participate in these meetings and will inform Council of progress made.

Open/Close Public Hearing Item – A public hearing was held for the Schmalbach Lubeca item.

Approval of Consent Items

  1. Approval of an Ordinance Authorizing a Development Agreement between Richland County, South Carolina and Village at Sandhill, LLC, and Other Matters Related Thereto – Third reading approval given to this ordinance authorizing the execution of a Development Agreement. Action: Planning/Legal
  2. 01-23MA Wendy Luce, First Commercial Company, from D-1 to C-3, South Side Rabon Road East of Farrow Road – Second reading given to this rezoning request. Info: Planning/Legal
  3. Ordinance Amendment: Increase in County Code Violation Penalty – Second reading approval given to an ordinance amendment that increases the maximum penalty for code violations from $200.00 to $500.00. Info: Planning/Legal
  4. Schmalbach Lubeca – Second reading approval given to an ordinance consenting to revisions to the lease agreement between Richland County and Schmalbach Lubeca and the lease agreement between Richland County and Wilmington Trust Company to provide for a sale-leaseback arrangement between Schmalbach Lubeca and its affiliates. Info: Administration/Legal
  5. Business Directory Signs – Second reading given to this ordinance amendment that provides for regulations permitting business and/or industrial development directory signs. Info: Planning/Legal
  6. 01-37MA, Dibble Manning, from M-2 to M-1, 475 Killian Road – Second reading given to this rezoning request. Info: Planning/Legal

1. Third Reading Item

  1. 01-26MA, Alan B. Kahn, Clemson University, from C-1 to RG-2 and C-3, NE Corner of North Springs and Clemson Road – Third reading given to this rezoning request. Action: Planning/Legal

2. First Reading Items

  1. Stormwater Management Ordinance – First reading given to this revised ordinance with the following amendment to Section 8-26(h):

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance including those relating to exemptions and variances, no levees, dikes, fill materials, structures or obstructions that will impede the free flow of water during times of flood will be permitted in the regulatory floodway, unless:

    1. such impediment is or would be an integral feature of any public or private school that was constructed and operated before January 1, 2001 on property subsequently classified as a special flood hazard area; or
    2. such impediment is or would be an integral feature of a publically owned wastewater treatment facility that was constructed and operated before January 1, 2001 on property subsequently classified as a special flood hazard area;

provided however, that any activities permitted under subsections (1) or (2) must comply with all otherwise applicable federal, state and local requirements and must comply with 44 C.F.R. 60.3 (d)(3), which prohibits any encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements and other development within the adopted regulatory floodway unless it has been demonstrated through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses performed in accordance with standard engineering practice that the proposed encroachment would not result in any increase in flood levels within the community during the occurrence of the base flood discharge.

Also moved to authorize the Chair to write a letter to FEMA stating that this amendment expresses no position on any proposed development. Info: Administration/Legal/Public Works

  1. Conservation Commission Ordinance – First reading given to this ordinance that moves provisions of the Richland County Code that establishes the Conservation Commission from the Stormwater Management Chapter to Chapter 2, Administration, Article VII, Boards, Commissions and Committees. Info: Administration/Legal
  2. Littering Penalty Ordinance – First reading given to this ordinance amendment that corrects an inconsistency between the littering fine found in the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Garbage, Trash and Refuse Ordinance. Info: Legal/Special Services

3. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee

  1. Notification of Vacancy on the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeal – Received as information.
  2. Council Rules – Announced that revised Rules will be ready for Council action at the next Council Meeting. Info: Legal/Clerk Of Council
  3. Appointments to Regional Transit Authority – Appointed Buddy Meetze, Paul Livingston, Joe McEachern, and Joan Brady to serve as Council representatives, with four citizen appointments to be made upon advertisement and receipt of applications. Action: Clerk of Council

4. Motion Period/Announcements

  1. Scott – Requested the Administrator to investigate allegations of misuse of County personal computers, and to produce an inventory of computers accounting for all hardware and software. Action: Administration/IT
  2. McEachern and Tillis – Moved to adopt a Resolution commending Keenan High School for winning 3A basketball championship. Action: Legal/Clerk of Council
  3. Mizzell – Moved to adopt a Resolution commending Dreher High School for winning the women’s 3A varsity basketball championship. Action: Legal/Clerk of Council
  4. Brill – Requested that Council read the S.C. Highway Beautification Act in preparation for billboard work session scheduled for March 27th at 4:00 pm.
  5. Pearce – Moved to adopt a Resolution recognizing Mr. Walter Todd upon his retirement from the Midlands Technical School Board of Directors. Action: Legal/Clerk of Council
  6. Pearce – Moved to adopt a Resolution recognizing Ms. Jean Stiglebower for receiving the award of S.C. Middle School Administrator of the Year. Action: Legal/Clerk of Council
  7. Brady – Encouraged Council to attend the Sheriff’s Department workshops on gang activity.
  8. McSwain – Announced that discounted passes for the Three Rivers Music Festival are available if Council is interested.
5. Citizen’s Input – One citizen spoke.

6. Adjournment